Structured QSO Over JS8Call
Structured QSO with KN2Z
XCOMM Quest Colorado 🏔️
XCOMM Quest Colorado 🏔️ After-Action Report
JS8Call EMCOMM Practice

Structured QSO Over JS8Call

I like to follow the structure of a grid-&-signal-report exchange protocol over JS8Call. I like the quick, structured conversation it provides.

In short:

MSG CQ your_grid
MSG their_grid your_snr
MSG their_snr


What you send: MSG CQ DM79
What they send back: MSG EM59 -16
What you send: MSG -12

The MSG ACKs act as RR73 and 73.

The QSO doesn't count unless each MSG gets an ACK. Resend a MSG as needed until you get that ACK back.


Structured QSO with KN2Z

Here's my direct Structured QSO with KN2Z. No CQ on this one, I just went directly to KN2Z, a fellow @XCOMM group member.

We exchanged grid squares and signal reports via MSG. Each of the three MSGs were ACKed. These ACKs act as RR73 and 73. They're necessary for a Structured QSO.

XCOMM Quest Colorado 🏔️

Following the lead of Jason KO4NDP's original XCOMM Quest, here's my version of it. Come chase me on the @XCOMM group!
  1. When:
  2. What:
  3. Where: Grid locators
  4. Where Else: POTA Parks
  5. What Else: Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio (RaDAR)
  6. What Modes:

Quick overview of XCOMM Quest, Colorado 🏔️

To help us practice with JS8Call asynchronous messaging using the MSG command, we go on occasional quests to escape & evade zombies.

I'll drive through 4 grid locators to a POTA park in each grid.

At each park, I'll attempt to escape & evade zombies by hiking a RaDAR, Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio.

With my radio kit on my back, I'll setup and transmit on 20 meters using both JS8Call and FT8, from three locations in each park.

Spotting will be via SOTAmāt, which will spot me on pota.app.

Come chase me on the @XCOMM group!

XCOMM Quest Colorado 🏔️ After-Action Report

Yesterday was the XCOMM Quest Colorado adventure, I had a lot of fun with the chasers.

Here's what happened:

1. Arrived at a POTA park in DM78 at dawn. KN2Z & I had a “Structured QSO” on JS8Call on 20 meters. Also completed a 3km RaDAR with 3 station setup/teardowns.

2. The next POTA park was in DM77. Got Structured QSOs with KN2Z, KD9RDO, and KO4NDP. Almost got one with KF5CJG!

Besides the "structure", there was plenty of informal chatting about Zombie Conditions. Lot of fun on this one!

3. The next POTA park was in DM87. I got some ACKs back after sending a MSG CQ to XCOMM but heard no replies. Completed a 2km RaDAR with 3 station setup/teardowns.

4. The final POTA park was in DM88 at sunset. Again, got some MSG CQ ACKs but otherwise heard nothing.

What I'll change next time:

1. Reduce the scheduled time for operating to just 1 or 2 hours for chaser convenience.

2. Remove the UTC time component from the Structured QSO MSGs. It didn't seem to add any benefit.

Whoever runs the next XCOMM Quest, I encourage you to customize it for what you like to do. Make it fun for YOU! 😎

Here's how the day ended at the final POTA park, a beautiful spot I would never see if not for ham radio!

JS8Call EMCOMM Practice

@XCOMM is the group we're using. In JS8Call, add it to your Callsign Groups in Settings > Station.

Then send out:

@XCOMM SNR? to see what happens.

Stations Willing to Conduct EMCOMM Practice

(Let me know if you want on or off this list.)

F1ZXO is a JS8Call digirelay in France. Feel free to try to make contact with F1ZXO and store messages there.

My Typical Practice Session

First, let's check for messages.
  1. @ALLCALL QUERY MSGS — I check if I have any messages stored on other stations that can hear me and whom I can hear.
  2. [CALLSIGN] QUERY MSGS — If a particular station has messages for me, I ask that station about them.
  3. [CALLSIGN] QUERY MSG [MSG #] — I can fetch a specific message from a specific station.
  4. Are there any flag symbols in the right-side pane on JS8Call? If yes, right-click to view the inbox.
Now I'll try to send a direct message to a station that is well-known and reliable for me.

KD9RDO MSG SUNNY IN CO, STATION NOMINAL, NO ZOMBIES — If I get an ACK back, I know the message was delivered directly to KD9RDO's station.

If I don't get an ACK back, I must assume the message was not delivered.

So, I'll try to deposit my message with a reliable, well-known intermediary.


If KE0MHJ sends me an ACK, I know my message was stored there successfully. KD9RDO can query for it at his convenience.

What About Distant Stations?

Some stations are reliably on the air but too far away for me to hear. In that case, I try to store a message for them with an intermediary.

Case in point: KO4NDP. I can never hear that station, but we both can hear and talk to KE0MHJ.


If KE0MHJ sends me an ACK, I know my message was stored there successfully. KO4NDP can fetch it later.

Time for Mocha Latte

That's enough radio work for now. Time to make a mocha latte and think about the day ahead.